For a top quality product, we outshine the others ...

iShade’s knowledge and experience allows us to design and create quality awnings and sun shades that are simple to install and operate. This leads to high profits, high referrals and satisfaction for distributors.

The ease of installation and product simplicity means time and cost saving because the job is completed right first time and your freight arrives in excellent condition making it even more profitable.
We provide excellent training and resources to help you sell our products. In addition, we have tailor made marketing campaigns for you to run in your local area to ensure you get more leads.

Below are some common distributor challenges and the iShade solutions ...
Problem   iShade Solution
Freight Damage
Damaged deliveries can unfortunately be common in this industry due to the size of products. This means losing your margins on excellent deals. With freight damage you can also look forward to paperwork nightmares, returns and dealing with unhappy customers.
refferal After losing over $50,000 in returns in one year, our innovative designers at iShade developed a custom built adjustable steel pallet to eliminate freight damage. This device has lead to a reduction to almost zero in returns and since it is re-usable, it means you are supporting the environment whilst saving yourself time and hassle.
Slow Turnaround Time
A customised awning or blind must be designed, coated, have correct fabric attached, assembled, packaged and then freighted. If sent from overseas, it must then be delivered to you. This can create long lead times and if there is an error at any step, this process may need to be restarted.
clock At iShade we use state-of-the-art technology to design and produce your awnings and blinds in Australia. We have cutting edge fabric welders and custom built hanging frames to test all awnings we produce before dispatch. These steps lead to shorter delivery times due to producing in-house from stock we manufacture here.
Installation challenges
Installation can be difficult depending on your customers’ requirements. If the angle of the arms incorrectly welded or inaccurate measurements have been provided this can cause additional costs and effort and an unhappy customer.
installation As we have a handle on all steps of the production process, we design for easy and common ways of installation such as face, site and ceiling fit. We also customise for you as required.
Some products come with weak or no warranty. This means that the buck stops with you if there is a problem which leads to unhappy customers and low repeat business.
warranty logo Quality is the lynchpin of iShade and we only use high quality motors, materials and fabrics as well as our customised freight techniques so damage is low and if warranty is required, it is swift and effortless. In the year 2009 / 2010 we had less than 1% claims on warranty.
A good product sells itself yet a bad one can end up with lost business of the easiest kind – referrals.
girl Due to the quality of our products, last year we had a 50% referral rate of our happy customers. This means that when you sell one system, it can often lead to more business down the line. We also help you understand how to develop your referrals to build your business.
Sometimes you may not know the answer to questions about what our shade systems can do and that can lose your business. In addition, you may not have the skills up front to sell new products.
support At iShade you have access to experienced support who have often been installers right through to sales and branch staff so they know the challenges you may have. In addition, our training ensures you have the right information up front so you feel confident in selling and delivering what you say you will.